The FREE ebook that comes with subscribing to my newsletter, Daria’s Dossier, has a new title and a stunning new cover.

Previously titled The Horologist: A Tale of Lovers Unwound, this steamy story about a Bavarian clockmaker, Bastian Bernhardt and his curious patron, Lady Danella, is now titled The Way She Ticks

If you haven’t joined the Dossier and downloaded it yet, here’s a taste:

“I do not mean to make light of Dr. Trembley’s talents. He can name all the known parts of our anatomy and has even given name to parts heretofore unknown.”

“It is a body, not a frontier,” said Bastian.

“You have discovered all parts of it then?” asked Lady Danella, raising her eyebrows and smiling. She gestured to herself as she said it, and Bastian could not keep himself from imagining her parts unknown. Should he ever have opportunity to wind her, he knew where he would put his key.

“I concede. There is always more to discover.”

The 10,000 word story is the same as before, but if you’re already a Dossier subscriber and want the new cover art, the link will be going out in the next newsletter.

You can subscribe here: Daria’s Dossier

